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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Vision Statement

At Tanners Wood, we aim to establish and maintain an ethos and culture where children feel secure. They are encouraged to talk, feel listened to and responded to when they have something to say. Equally, it is our ambition that all members of the wider school community including parents, carers, school staff and volunteers, feel safe and always supported and know who they can approach if they have a concern or worry.  


Children should leave primary school with an increased ability to identify and discuss their feelings and emotions, whether these be positive or negative. This will allow them to become well-rounded individuals with a greater understanding of emotional intelligence.  


By fostering a greater awareness of emotional literacy within our pupils, children will have increased self-awareness and recognition of their own feelings, alongside identifying strategies they can employ to manage them. Increased emotional literacy helps children learn: to self-regulate, become resilient, develop social skills, have the ability to express their emotions, (whether this be through spoken language, body language or facial expression), and to form positive relationships.  


With an increased understanding of how to manage a wide range of emotions, children will be better placed to deal with challenges they will inevitably face later in life. Children will have increased empathy, tolerance, compassion and understanding for others. Our role as educators is to provide an emotionally literate environment, whilst nurturing children’s growth mind-set, imparting them with the skills to become diligent, ambitious individuals.

Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement